torsdag 27 mars 2008

Building the slum

The two-day workshop with Daniele Pario Perra had very interesting intentions. An introduction to emergent urbanities and a first attempt trying to understand how it could work. Learning by doing. Unfortunately I think that two days were far from the time needed in order to make this workshop live up to its potential.

The very first thing you get to do starting the Architectural school at KTH in Stockholm is a one week workshop very similar to Daniele’s.
During the week groups collect rejected building material and things people have thrown away all over Stockholm. By the end of the week these materials are used to construct shacks in which the groups also spend one night.

When given a week there is more (needed) time to commit to the task and to really get engaged. For Daniele’s workshop getting into character of how it would be to be homeless in the Netherlands. Something I missed and felt I didn’t get the time to do.

Before starting the actual construction we (the group of 40 strong minded architectural students) spent far too long time trying to plan and agree of things we in the end had to change and adjust to the specific problems of the site and to the building materials we found. Far too long time trying to plan the unplanned…
But in the end I guess that was a lesson in itself, problem solving is always a good way of getting to know a group and if nothing more an interesting social experiment.

The thing I found most inspiring was the initial presentation of urban and other emergent designs of re-used materials. Unfortunately in our squatted settlement we never reached this level of detailing (with a few exceptions). In Dharavi where they make everything out of nothing everyday my inspiration tank was refilled. Perhaps it doesn’t inspire me in the actual way of producing new objects out of old but in the terms of a broader view of functionality in general.

Letter of motivation

Mind Body Space, Susanna Recchia 04-05.02.08

How does the body act in space?
How does the space change around our body?
--> How does body and space work together?

We spent two days doing different physical exercises using our bodies and all of our senses.
A way of getting in contact with your body, internal and external.
A way of getting in contact with the other people and bodies in the same space.

This picture for me represents on of the exercises where your personal sphere were entered and mixed with others. Eyes closed all of us moved around slowly in a defined area. You became very aware of both how you moved your own body but also how others moved around you and how you stared to move and work with one another without really knowing it.
For me it was a difficult experience. I like my personal space very much and didn’t appreciate other people constantly intruding during this exercise.

For me the most interesting exercise during these two days was when a number of persons quickly had to enter the defined space and stand in a way so that it related to one another. Interesting both how people reacted but also how the space became very different with different constellations. For example how the group could take charge of the space by taking a strong position in the middle as a unity or how the space almost took charge of the group if they spread out sticking to the borders.

Lieven de Cauter 20.02.08

Still thinking about it...